Perks of being Highly Sensitive

I do things based on what feels right. It’s difficult to explain, but I’m very good at determining how people are feeling based on a feeling inside of me. Another thing that has always been a part of who I am are my dreams. I’ve always had a knack for dreams coming true, having the same dreams as someone close to me or being in someone else’s dream and communicating with them. Then, there are those dreams where, when I wake up, I just have a feeling that that person was dreaming about me as well. I’ve never been wrong so far.

The beauty about following my feelings is that they lead me in the right direction almost every time. I’m taught a lesson or able to find closure from the past if I keep moving forward and following what feels right. Being a highly sensitive person can seem like a burden because we get overwhelmed so easily. However, it’s examples like the ones above that make being a sensitive so much cooler than those who aren’t.

What is a highly sensitive person? Read about it in my previous blog!

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