Day 7

Today was definitely not one of my best days for working out. However, I could have stayed in bed feeling depressed but I didn’t. I got up, got myself together and used the elliptical for 15 minutes. It wasn’t a long time because some guy was in there and that stuff always makes me nervous…but at least I did something.

I think the reason guys make me so nervous is because they always seem to comment something when I see them. Additionally, most random male experiences I’ve had tended to not be great ones. So sorry if I sounded stereotypical.

Regardless of that, I tried to eat healthy but the depression got the best of me and I had a donut and Steak n Shake. Other than that I did well with cereal for breakfast and yogurt for lunch.

Tomorrow is my fiance’s birthday, so we plan to spend the day celebrating! I’m making a special day specifically revolving around him and everything he likes. Who said you need tons of money to have fun?

Really bloated from the bad food 😦 I should have known better.

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